Cool Sh*t I’ve Found
I do a lot of browsing, on all corners of the internet. I’ve come across a lot of stuff, I figure this is a great place to keep the cool things. Eventually I’ll also add my notes.
Also, as much as I dislike those weird “e/acc” dorks on twitter, there’s a lot of overlap with what they post as they do post a lot of good stuff. Such is life :)
- What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory (source)
- Mathematics for Computer Science (source)
- A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Mathematics (source)
- Calculus Made Easy (html)(pdf)
- The Competitive Programmer’s Handbook (source)
- Understanding LLMs: A Comprehensive Overview from Training to Inference (source)
- Mental models for modern program tuning (source)
- Essential C (source)
- EECS 281: Data Structures (from UMich’s curriculum) (source)
- An Introduction to Tensors for Students of Physics and Engineering (source)
- Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces (source)
- Challenging projects every programmer should try (source)
- From Theory to Code: Implementing a Neural Network in 200 Lines of C (source)
- Notes on Distributed Systems for Young Bloods (source)
- Compiler Optimization in a Language you Can Understand (source)
- bytecode interpreters for tiny computers (source)
- C Isn’t A Programming Language Anymore (source)
- Pointers Are Complicated, or: What’s in a Byte? (source)
- How Containers Work: overlayfs (source)
- Doom Engine Code Review (source)
Project-based learning
- Build Your Own Text Editor (source)
- Build Your Own X (source)
- Write Your Own Virtual Machine (source)
- How to create an OS from scratch (source)
- Introduction to Zig: a project-based book (source)
- Performance-Aware Programming Series (source)
- The One Billion Row Challenge (source)
- Kay Lack’s whole YouTube channel (source)
- The Complete Mathematics of Neural Networks and Deep Learning (source (Video))
- Algo Lectures by Errichto Algorithms (source)
- Enter The Arena: Simplifying Memory Management (2023) (source (Video))
- x86 reverse engineering (source)
- Sebastian Lague’s whole YouTube channel (source)
- A Distributed Systems Reading List (source)
- Flipcode Archives (source)