April 2021
In this series, I want to try to code different encryption techniques. I'll start with substitution ciphers, and
possibly end with a one-time pad or an Enigma emulator. Who knows?
- ASCII: A system to represent characters in a way a
computer can understand. More specifically, a system for encoding characters (letters, numbers, symbols) in
decimal, binary, and hexadecimal numbers.
- Substitution cipher: A method of encryption
where each character is substituted for another character, using either a key or a mathematical function.
Comes in 2 varieties:
- Caesar Cipher: One of the simplest and oldest ciphers. Simply a
monoalphabetic substitution cipher.
- Affine Cipher: An even simpler monoalphabetic substitution
cipher, where each letter only has very few encrypted equivalents.
More code can be found on this project's Github repo.